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Solar Simulator, Class AAA, IEC/JIS/ASTM, 450 W Xenon, 2 x 2 in.
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Oriel Sol3A class aaa solar simulator
Solar Simulator, Sol3A Class AAA, IEC/JIS/ASTM, 450 W Xenon, 4 x 4 in.
Oriel Sol3A class aaa solar simulator
Solar Simulator, Sol3A Class AAA, IEC/JIS/ASTM, 1000 W Xenon, 6 x 6 in.
3 Weeks
3 Weeks
Oriel Sol3A class aaa solar simulator
Solar Simulator, Sol3A Class AAA, IEC/JIS/ASTM, 1600 W Xenon, 8 x 8 in.
5 Weeks
5 Weeks
Solar Simulator, Class AAA, IEC/JIS/ASTM, 1600 W Xenon, 12 x 12 in.
Solar Simulator, Class AAA, IEC/JIS/ASTM, 1600 W Xe, 12 x 12 in., CPV


  • Simulator Class
    Class AAA
  • Lamp Type
  • Beam Uniformity
  • Spectral Match Classification
    A (IEC 60904-9 2007) A (JIS 8904-9 2017) A (ASTM E927 - 10 2015)
  • Temporal Instability
    ≤0.5% STI≤2.0% LTI
  • Temporal Instability Classification
    A (IEC 60904-9 2007) A (JIS 8904-9 2017) A (ASTM E927 - 10 2015)
  • Uniformity
    ≤2 %
  • Uniformity Classification
    A (IEC 60904-9 2007) A (JIS 8904-9 2017) A (ASTM E927 - 10 2015)
  • Line Regulation


Class A Spectral Match

Spectral match is indicated by the first letter in the solar simulators class rating. An ideal spectral match for a solar simulator is based on the percentage of the integrated light intensity in 6 spectral ranges. A solar simulator with a Class A spectral match may not deviate more than 0.75 to 1.25 times the ideal percentage in each spectral range. Spectral match for all Oriel® solar simulator models installed with the AM 1.5G spectral correction filter is shown to easily meet IEC, JIS, and ASTM Class A requirements. For more information about these solar simulator standards, please see our "Solar Simulator Standards — Definitions & Comparisons" technical note.

Class A Spatial Uniformity of Irradiance

The irradiance uniformity over the working area is indicated by the second letter in a solar simulator class rating, and is the most difficult requirement to achieve and maintain. Hot spots can lead to significant errors in measured cell efficiency and can cause inaccurate binning of cells. The Class A spatial uniformity performance standard is designed to minimize the impact of hot spots and has a very stringent requirement of ≤2%. The plot shows the uniformity of the irradiance across a typical 2 x 2 inch simulator working area. Each unit will come with a plot of irradiance non-uniformity. For more information about solar simulator standards, please see our "Solar Simulator Standards — Definitions & Comparisons" technical note.

Class A Temporal Stability

Temporal stability is the third performance parameter of solar simulators. It requires that the output light be stable over time in order to ensure that the lamp fluctuations do not distort the measurement of solar cell efficiency. The Oriel Sol3A easily meets the requirements for temporal stability as defined by the IEC, ASTM, and JIS standards. The IEC 60904-9 (2007) has the most stringent requirements for short term instability with a maximum allowable level of 0.5%. Shown is a typical instability response of 0.369% at 50 ms intervals for an 1.6 kW Sol3A solar simulator. For more information about these solar simulator standards, please see our "Solar Simulator Standards — Definitions & Comparisons" technical note.

Air Mass 1.5G Filter

The combination of lamp and air mass filter produces the characteristic Class A spectral match. Our Air Mass 1.5G Filter retains its optical properties under the 1 SUN illumination conditions without degradation of the filter. Filter model 81388 is included standard with all Sol3A solar simulators except one. The large area, highly collimated 94123A-CPV simulator includes Air Mass 1.5 Direct Filter 81389.  

Xenon Arc Lamp

The Oriel Sol3A Solar Simulator source is a CW system. This enables testing of all cell materials unlike flash-lamp based systems that are limited by the response time of the material allowing the cell to be soaked at a constant light level prior to testing. The lamp is an ozone-free xenon short arc lamp. We certify each source with the supplied lamp. The lamp is certified to meet the spectral performance for 1000 hours, though the lamp may continue to function for up to 2000 hours. For continuous production environments, we suggest purchasing replacement lamps and an alignment palette to ensure Class AAA compliance as lamps are replaced.

Power Supply

The Oriel regulated power supply incorporates over 40 years of experience in high voltage power supply design to provide constant electrical power to the xenon lamp. The power supply is CE compliant and features universal AC mains operation for use anywhere in the world. Lamp usage can be monitored in accumulated hours from the power supply, because it is important to replace the lamp at the end of its rated life to maintain the minimum 1 SUN output and spectral characteristics. The lamp’s output will significantly decrease and change spectrally with continued use beyond its rated life.

Integrated Partial Sun Attenuator

A Variable Aperture feature is integrated into all Sol3A simulators that provides user variable partial sun illumination capability. The range of attenuation is from 0.1 - 1.0 SUN. Uniformity at partial illumination maintains a minimum Class B uniformity per the IEC, JIS, and ASTM standards. The simple to use dial control provides infinite control of attenuation. Spectral performance and temporal stability maintain Class A performance at any attenuation.

Integrated Shutter

The Oriel Sol3A Solar Simulator includes an upgraded shutter for production-environment operation. The newly designed shutter for the Class AAA systems is a rugged, single-blade shutter designed for >1 million cycles. Historically, our real-world performance has exceeded 10 million cycles on units in the field for many years. The shutter has a minimum exposure time of 200 ms and can be controlled via a contact closure or logic level input, or a convenient push-button switch on the illuminator housing.

Customize Output Beam Direction

We offer the ability to change the direction of the output beam from the standard downward facing configuration. This is ideal for experimental set ups where the device under test cannot be placed directly underneath the instrument. The upward facing (SR1) configuration allows for the solar simulator to be placed underneath a glovebox and illuminate a sample through the port window. This is also convenient for electrical connections to back-contact solar cells while ensuring the entire active area is illuminated. Sideways facing (SR3 or SR4) configurations provide complete flexibility with mounting a device under test. These options are available for most beam sizes. Contact Newport Sales for more information.

Largest Area 12 inch x 12 inch Options

Unique to the Class AAA simulators are two 12 inch x 12 inch [300 mm x 300 mm] output beam size models. They are ideal for illuminating large area solar modules or panels while meeting the highest level of simulator classification standards. The 94123A-CPV model has the smallest collimation or beam divergence angle, making it ideal for concentrator solar cell characterization. It ships standard with the AM 1.5 Direct filter to simulate solar light that is only transmitted through the atmosphere, not reflected light.

Maintaining the Oriel Sol3A Solar Simulator

Oriel Sol3A Solar Simulators maintain Class AAA compliance during the rated "performance lifetime" of the lamp. When the lamp is replaced, the instrument should be realigned to maintain Class AAA compliance. Irradiance uniformity is the most difficult Class AAA requirement to meet and maintain. In order to facilitate the measurements and adjustments necessary to maintain Class A uniformity, the Newport team offers a field recertification service performed by a qualified engineer. Extended warranties and installation service are also available. Contact Newport Sales for further information.

Optional Reference Cell

A calibrated reference cell is an integral part of solar simulator calibration and solar cell I-V characterization. The Oriel model 91150V consists of a readout meter and a 2 x 2 cm calibrated solar cell made of monocrystalline silicon. The cell is also equipped with a thermocouple assembled in accordance with IEC 60904-2. The certification is accredited by NIST to the ISO-17025 standard and is traceable both to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and to the International System of Units (SI). It reads solar simulator irradiance in "SUN" units; where one SUN is equal to 1000 W/m2 at 25 °C and AM 1.5G. The meter includes two connectors for analog outputs for the sun irradiance and the temperature.
We also offer reference cells with KG5 windows in place of the quartz window.

Oriel Solar Simulator Set Up Demonstration

Getting any solar simulator up and running is a straightforward process, as demonstrated in this video.

PhotoVoltaic Calibration Lab

We are proud to house and manage one of the few commercial photovoltaic and calibration test laboratories in the world. The Photovoltaic Calibration and Test Laboratory is accredited by A2LA to the ISO/IEC 17025 Standard, using state of the art equipment for measurements in accordance with ASTM E948 and E1021. The lab welcomes requests for prototype PV device performance measurements or PV reference cell calibrations. Flexible scheduling and rapid turnaround time ensure minimal downtime to time sensitive devices.

Characterizing I-V Curves of PhotoVoltaic Cells

We offer test solutions to measure current-voltage (IV) characteristics of PV cells. Models are available in 1, 3, 5, or 10 amps configurations, determined by the current generated by the device under test. Solutions include the source meter, cabling, and IV Test Station software to capture data quickly and easily. Additional mounting, probing, and temperature control accessories are available. Oriel IV test solutions are designed to work with any Oriel solar simulator.